About a week ago Gas Monkey was so sweet and bought me a bouquet of flowers . . . using an after Valentine's Day sale of course. It was a pretty arrangement with purple daisy type flowers, and a couple of lilies that had not bloomed yet. A few days ago the lilies bloomed, and since they were gorgeous I took them out and put them in a separate glass. They are very powerful smelling. In case you are not acquainted with lilies, they have very strong pollen, that continuously falls off, and has a propensity to stain. I warned Gas Monkey not to get too close when smelling them, so he wouldn't look stupid. Unfortunately I could not relay this message to Carson, and here is the result.
Now her face is stained yellow and orange. And I'm sure she is wondering what that strange smell is that follows her everywhere. In fact, I think the pollen has acted as catnip, because now she is acting crazy. Silly girl.
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