10. You have to pay to use the water cooler.
9. Orange is everywhere.
8. Half of the people working there carry guns and have gun safes next to their desks.
7. The common mentality: It is important to teach children how to shoot. Not what they are shooting or why they are shooting it.
6. They will pay to have you learn how to shoot a bow and arrow (meanwhile looking upon you with pity).
5. The common sentiment about salads: "That's not food. That's what food eats."
4. It is commonplace to leave your fresh, newly severed elk head in the public parking lot during hunting season.
3. You work for free and they still complain about your project.
2. You have dead things in your office and you did NOT put them there.
1. You work for The Man - in particular a white, conservative, skinny old man.
The view from across my desk.
9. Orange is everywhere.
8. Half of the people working there carry guns and have gun safes next to their desks.
7. The common mentality: It is important to teach children how to shoot. Not what they are shooting or why they are shooting it.
6. They will pay to have you learn how to shoot a bow and arrow (meanwhile looking upon you with pity).
5. The common sentiment about salads: "That's not food. That's what food eats."
4. It is commonplace to leave your fresh, newly severed elk head in the public parking lot during hunting season.
3. You work for free and they still complain about your project.
2. You have dead things in your office and you did NOT put them there.
1. You work for The Man - in particular a white, conservative, skinny old man.
Hey there--you commented recently over on my blog at Babette Feasts--I clicked to comment back and saw about your interest in bats...I would love to ask you a question about a recent ..."bat encounter." My email is barb AT barbfreda DOT com--Just curious about something.