Monday, October 12, 2009

Cereal Wars

Ok, I know I haven't been so diligent with my posting. Here is the most recent situation. I was frustrated today because our pantry was full. To my surprise (and horror), there were five nearly empty boxes of cereal. I don't eat cereal. Obviously, Gas Monkey bought cereal, would eat it until there were only a few pieces left, and then leave the box in the pantry, because throwing it away would be oh too simple. So five boxes with only 1/4 cup of cereal in each. So I pulled the boxes out of the pantry, determined to make a point. Then Gas Monkey came home. He was hungry for dinner. So I said, "We have a problem." While he waited for the problem to speak itself, I carried the five boxes to the living room, and plopped them in front of the couch (he was watching the Rockies game 4 playoff game). Instead of him taking them to the recycling, he grabs the nearest one and starts munching. "Here," I said, "let me make this easier." So I took all the boxes back to the kitchen, grabbed a bowl, and filled it up. "Dinner."

At least this is further proof about how strong our relationship is. I get slightly annoyed with Gas Monkey for being "trash lazy." I tried to emphasize the importance of the situation. He retaliated. So I retaliated. Now he is eating mixed cereal (maybe up to a year old), and the boxes are now siting on my clean counter, instead of the recycle bin . . . so I lose again, but at least I am slightly entertained. And don't worry, I'll still make him dinner. That is, if he stops loudly crunching his cereal to various Rockies' chants. Although it does make me wonder if all my gourmet dinners are a waste of time and effort.

1 comment:

  1. I think his cereal choices are yucky, but I do like how you two work out a problem.
