Monday, October 26, 2009

Moving and other nonsense

Ok, I'll admit it. I've been horribly neglecting my "fan base." That means you, although "fan" may be too strong of a word. These past couple of weeks has been a chaotic mess of packing, garage sales, signing contracts, doing walk-thrus, having guest, and finally moving, and now unpacking. As soon as I get internet in my home (and don't have to sit next to a guy with horribly bad breath in the public library) I will become much more diligent. Until then, I may be off the internet for about a week or a week and a half.

We officially moved everything last Friday. It is now Monday, and it still looks as if we just moved in hours ago. I'm going to blame this on Gas Monkey's insistence on giving himself new projects, therefore postponing the necessarily unpleasant unpacking process. I.e. the boy spent eight hours installing an on-demand water heater (I've never seen the boy's face quite light up with that degree of happiness until after he successfully installed it and took his first hot shower. He was glowing with pride, and probably pain after sitting on his knees in the crawl-space for that long). Ok, I thought to myself, that's good. We needed a water heater. We can unpack on Sunday. Alas, it was not to be. We spent two hours at the man palace that is Home Depot. We bought numerous pieces so Gas Monkey could insulate the new copper pipes, put in a new air filter, and install, yes install, cable and internet in every room. Can you guess where this is going? Yeah, no unpacking yesterday either.

Gas Monkey let me cut the holes in the drywall, cause I'm tough and precise like that (although not too precise since I nicked a wire, although the power was off). Then, since Gas Monkey is precise, he attempted to drill a hole up through the crawl space into the wall in the living room. Apparently he is not so precise, since we now have a 1/4 inch hole through the hard wood in one of the closets. But, after 5 tries, and only one visible error, we managed to wire the living room. So yay! Now, I get to spend most of the day at home, without internet or tv (for about a week) at home without a book to read (since I can't justify spending $10 on the next Twilight installment, and have to wait about a week or two for any book I want to come in through the library. So, I'm bored. And I have a lot of work to do at home, but I like to procrastinate as well, which is why I am here at the library, writing this lengthy update. It will not happen again for awhile. I will send out change of address forms later.

When I get internet, I will describe in the most delightful of details, the garage sale and all of our customers. It was an awesome experience from beginning to end.

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