Sunday, July 19, 2009

Curbside Tie-dye and the Hound

I think I officially have a new friend. He is a very chatty seven year old. We agree that pokemon are awesome, cats are better than dogs, but disagree that the fossil trilobite and coprolites he only paid $1 for are really worth thousands of dollars (I being the pragmatic one of course). He is talking to me right now. I wonder if I could convince him to let me paint his toenails pink. Doubtful. Oh dear, he's parking next to me with his coloring book. Pirates!

Today I went to breakfast, and I saw, no joke, two older guys sitting around on the sidewalk in front of the grocery store, right next to the main street. This is not an area where people generally sell their wares curbside. They were selling . . . tie-dyed t-shirts. I would not imagine this to be a big seller. It was entertaining, because they were sitting on the curb with their batch of tie-dye t-shirts, each sporting one themselves, sitting in lawnchairs, and drinking something. Since everywhere else is closed on Sunday, maybe this brings them big business. Surely it is easy to do. I have to get me one of those. By those I mean a hardly profitable business hobby where all I have to do is sit out and people watch, until a casual walker by offers to look into my wares.

Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, was surprisingly pretty decent. This coming from me, who generally avoids mystery novels. Not at all what I thought. Now I'm on to An American Tragedy. The first chapter has turned me off. The full-family sidewalk Bible preachers reminds me of Flannery O'Connor, cringeworthy. Hopefully it will pick up, as one of the members of the family will disappear into sin. That's when it gets interesting.


  1. Hey Amy, Watch out Gas Monkey may get jealous! So did you pick up a t-shirt? So what wares would you be selling in the new business? Your new friend sounds cute. Have to water the monster garden! Latro b

  2. Gas Monkey needs to just get used to the idea that someday he may have a Gas Munchkin of his own. Although he had a lot of practice at the family reunion since this little chatty 5 year old attached herself to him for a little while. And then my dad told Gas Monkey that I was, in my youth, just like that little girl. I just told Gas Monkey he needed the practice.
